Services & rates
We offer intrauterine insemination, sperm washing, natural fertility counseling and preconception visits.
We bill on a sliding scale because high quality respectful care should not be available to some and out of reach of most. All fees are determined on a sliding scale based on total household income.
IUI Consultation/ Preconception/ Natural Fertility Counseling Visit $80 – $220
Sperm wash $100 - $275
Insemination $125 – $375
If for any reason you feel that your household income is not a true measure of your resources, please feel free to discuss this with us. For a complete breakdown of the sliding scale, you can download this chart.
We do not participate directly with any health insurance plan, however we do provide a bill for service that can be submitted independently for reimbursement. Lab fees not included in above rates. Most lab costs are covered by insurance.